August 11 - 17, 2019 Weekly Leo Season Forecast For All Signs


Weekly Spiritual Astrology Forecast for All Signs
August 11 - 17, 2019

Hi Stargazers! 🌃🔭🤩

This Sunday, Jupiter, the planet of blessings and reruns, will go direct in Sagittarius. Everyone is being asked to open their heart-mind as we embark into new territories. It will be a time when we really need to heal past traumas and wounds and really just let them go once and for all.

On the following day, Uranus, the planet of innovation and turbulence, will go retrograde in Taurus! Be sure to read my article on Uranus in Taurus to get some background information.

What can we do to ensure balance throughout these potentially challenging transits?? Get a balancing! Use your tools, and sustain the right attitude!!

The Sun will align with Venus this week which can make us “in love with love”. Wanting praise, and to be adored or cherished (all of this is happening in Leo) so keep a humble heart which is open, but not desperate for attention.

We are in Leo season, so some tools you can use are the Leo Color Therapy Wallpaper for iOS and Android.

Also, did you know that every plant is ruled by a planet and constellation? Yeah! So, you’ll want to use the plants that had been created to harness the constellation of Leo and overcome the negative influences the archetype can throw at us with the Leo Essential Oil Blend and Astro Spray.

As the Sun is transiting through Leo this week, we have a focus on eliminating pride and ego bolstering. To the degree, we desire to control and to be admired will indicate how much ego is controlling and influencing our lives. Essentially, how imbalanced our Leo archetype is.

We need to make an extra effort to investigate why we feel so abandoned and, without becoming fascinated, let it go and move on. We have everything we need to get everything we desire!

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the rest of the summer season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. I offer insightful Lunar Return Readings which are very focused for 29 days (it’s like a more detailed version of a lunar return as the shorter the session, the more specific it is.) I can record it and send it to you. You can also book an Astrolochi® Balancing in with me to help with the transits of your chart! They can be done remotely as well!

If you're a Leo, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) so book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the sun has in store for you!

We will also have the Full Moon of Leo this week which is the Full Moon of Soulmates! I know it’s tempting to fantasize that the person we are with is our soulmate. I also realize it’s difficult to think that the person who we are with isn’t our soulmate. That’s why it’s such a touchy subject.

Read the article on that here. (

The chart of this week is really seeing us through a major transformation, which most of us are not aware of. Our perspectives are changing, and we are either like the frog in the hot water unaware of the temperature increasing. Or we work with every degree and see what we need to change within ourselves so that we don’t get burned.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information which gives us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind.

I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation.

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

Weekly Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: Jupiter, the planet of blessings and reruns, will go direct in Sag. Everyone is being asked to open our heart-mind as we embark into new territories. It will be a time when we really need to heal past traumas and wounds and really just let them go once and for all.

  2. Monday: Uranus, the planet of innovation and turbulence, goes retrograde in Taurus! New challenges with modern systems and pushing forward in areas that don’t want to change!

  3. Tuesday: We may find ourself at odds with what we want and what we are tempted by. We need to be vigilant about power struggles in regards to sexuality. Watch out for aggressiveness and shut the door to seductive offers as they will create inner conflict.

  4. Wednesday: Mercury has just entered Leo and is in aspect with Chiron. We can think on our feet and how our actions will affect others. We may see where our ego is still hurt by what others have said about us. Wounds around friendship, or groups, receive more information for another level of healing.

  5. Thursday: Today is the Full Moon of Soulmates. Read more and meditate on it here:

  6. Friday: We shouldn’t fight to win, we really shouldn’t fight at all. Healthy tension is taking responsibility for our own stance and then being able to lovingly communicate our position to others. If someone has hurt you, help them.

  7. Saturday: It’s all being released today. The past, the karma, and the lessons unlearned. If we can center ourselves, we can really make some headway with this intense transit which demands that we let go of our obsessions around the material.

Astrolochi® Spotify Playlist


Weekly Horoscope August 18 - 24, 2019


Full Moon August 15, 2019 - What Is A Soulmate?