March New Moon in Aries Forecast
New Moon @ 4° Aries Mar. 24, 2020, 09:28 UTC
(find your timezone at the bottom of this article)
“With everything going on in the world at the moment, now more than ever is important to have a vision for the future.”
Hi Stargazers! 🌃🤩
This New Moon is offering a lot of challenges, which is great for warrior-like Aries. We all need to become like courageous spiritual warriors where we confront ourselves and take responsibility for selfish behaviors.
We become of situations where we give ourselves praise when something goes our way, and that we tend to blame others when things don’t go our way.
Seeking praise and handing out blame are huge themes that arise during the New Moon in Aries 48-hour window. All we need to do is be aware of these patterns as they are released out into the cosmos to have any chance at transcending them.
Chiron and the Black Moon are in aspect, which repackages old wounds and present them as something “new” (which they are not). Trust me, we won’t see it coming! There could be some ego nature that wants to get the best of us, by either blaming others for something that doesn’t fit the ego’s limited vision of how things should be or denying selfish behavior.
During this New Moon in Aries, we are granted a greater vision to confront our destiny. Most of us are afraid of our destiny because we confuse it with fate. But when we realize that fate is what stands in the way between us and our destiny, we better understand that fate is something we have created and can transcend. In other words, it’s our mess to clean up.
As we are now in the new astrological year, the first New Moon in Aries wants to teach us that we can plant new seeds, and even uproot bad seeds that have sprouted any chaos we are facing at the moment. But we have to take responsibility for what we have planted in the past. We can’t just plant new seeds on top of bad seeds and expect things to just work out.
When we connect to the 48-hour lunar window of this New Moon, we can receive all the energy we need to optimize this lunar cycle as we contemplate the connection between cause and effect. Uranus, the hero of this New Moon chart, wants us to become fearless. Become fearless of where you are going and allow yourself to reset. Forget the past and push towards the future.
Tarot Connection.
This New Moon in Aries is ruled by the two of wands tarot card, an archetype that represents dominion, potential, and opportunity.
We will be able to access the energy of dominion, which is essentially our sovereignty or control over our ego nature. When we can harness this attitude, then we can use the ego like a tool, rather than allowing the ego to use us as a tool.
We will access our potential and the capacity to develop into something. With everything going on in the world at the moment, now more than ever is important to have a vision for the future. Our visions of the future and our potential that we tap into can overcome any darkness we face as a collective. We have the power to outweigh all and any negativity from the negative forces at play.
This is why Aries is the archetype of the warrior, which we all have within us. Where Aries rules in your chart will tell you where in your life you face your spiritual wars. In my moon meditation workbook, I can tell you where this Aries New Moon is occurring for you so that you can see where your contribution to the personal and collective will be best received by working within your astrological chart.
It’s paramount that we continue the spiritual battle against this darkness by going back in time and undoing the bad seeds - that is what this New Moon in Aries is all about. Spirituality is a war against ego domination and the ego forces in the world which reflect back to us parts of ourselves that don’t want to change. Yet, Aries wants us to change and initiate all kinds of changes. The New Moon in Aries makes this even more clear and demands us to make a change right NOW.
There is urgency and there is no time to waste, as only you can fight your own battles.
24 hours before and 24 hours after the New Moon is a cosmic window where subconscious content rises to the surface and asks us to deal with whatever we have suppressed so that it will not contaminate our efforts.
The Question Of This Quest.
In DASH® Astrology, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for our quest! To access the quantum quest of Aries, we should open ourselves to the following question:
“Where am I fearful to see the truth? Why?”
I will lead a meditation upon this in my New Moon Virtual Ritual for $42.
For those of you working on your own, contemplate this question during the New Moon window and write down any insights that may come so that you can have a greater idea of what to work on in the Moon WorkBook.
We need to cultivate the courage to see the truth of who, or what, the enemy is in our spiritual battles.
Actually, the fear of seeing the truth will cause us to delay our plans and keep us stuck in a state of stagnation and fear. Contemplate the question of this quest during the 48-hour New Moon window, and be open to any insights that come into your consciousness. It’s time for you to become the master of your reality and contribute positive energy to the cosmos.
This New Moon will allow us to really understand this cosmic law of cause and effect to the point that we can undo any effect by going back to the cause. We will need to watch out for reactive behavior and impulsive actions. Meaning that we need to look where we have been too quick and hit walls with full force on our path.
Feel where you’ve gone wrong in your life and promise to never fall into those traps again. I want to recommend that everyone do the Atonement Level One exercise from my site to help release trapped blessings and heal past hurts which are blocking healing from the collective.
Zodiacal City.
The Moon, which represents our vessel, will be empty and ready to receive everything it needs for its 29-day journey around the zodiacal city.
As it transits through each constellation neighborhood, it collects and gathers various gifts and lessons. Yet before it departs for its journey, there is a 48-hour window of preparation where it downloads everything necessary to make its journey a successful one. This is why I offer a guided New Moon meditation when we assure that we can receive everything we can to ensure a successful journey.
If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful New Moon in Aries, you can do the guided meditation virtual ritual.
This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download my DASH® Astrology Moon Meditation Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.
How To Work With This New Moon in Aries:
Where does 4° Aries fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get a flash reading from me and I’ll let you know what’s up.
Where does 4° Aries fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get a flash reading from me and I’ll let you know what’s up.
Reflect on New Moon in Aries stuff – dominion, potential, opportunity.
Avoid Moon in Aries traits like impulsiveness, urgency, rushing, and immaturity.
Embrace Moon in Aries traits like leadership, courage, authority, and enthusiasm.
Answer the question of this quest: Where am I fearful to see the truth? Why?
Inhale, diffuse or get a massage with the Aries EOB.
Get a head massage
Stay warm and exercise
Use red jasper
Take supplements for bile and gallbladder function (message me for some)
Set your intentions.
Make a donation or tithe.
To really treat yourself, participate in my virtual ritual.
I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back and support my work, it is happily and spirituality received here. (BTW - New Moon’s are one of the most powerful time to donate or tithe as it multiplies the practice manyfold) Thank you for your donations, we always pray for those who donate to us.
The New Moon Window Opens 24 hours before and ends 24 hours after the time listed below:
LA, Mar. 24 - 2:28 am
NYC, Mar. 24 - 5:28 am
London, Mar. 24 - 9:28 am
Munich - Mar. 24 - 10:28 am
Tel Avi, Mar. 24 - 11:28 am
Moscow, Mar. 24 - 12:28 pm
Dubai, Mar. 24 - 1:28 pm
Tokyo, Mar. 24 - 6:28 pm
Sydney, Mar. 24 - 8:28 pm
How To Participate:
Online / $42: Do the virtual ritual online from your phone or computer
Download Now
Have a wonderful New Moon in Aries and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.