April New Moon in Taurus Astrology Forecast
New Moon @ 3° Taurus Apr. 23, 2020
(find your timezone at the bottom of this article)
“Even with all the wealth in the world, it’s really worth nothing if it isn’t shared with a loved one.”
Hi Stargazers! 🌃🤩
The New Moon brings us a blank canvas so that we can inject our intentions onto it and paint our reality. No matter what we have done, or where we are on our path, we can intend and start again.
We are asked with this New Moon to find meaning in relationships that look meaningless to us. As this is the New Moon of prosperity, relationships have value and a major role in the spiritual and financial Economy.
This New Moon is bringing up the unexpected, particularly with confrontations within relationships. It’s a time when we can bring everything out into the open and see who opposes us and who supports us.
Even with all the wealth in the world, it’s really worth nothing if it isn’t shared with a loved one.
Prosperity has many different levels of definition, the major one being financial. But it also applies to spiritual, emotional and being prosperous with love.
Wealth needs people to spread, as do blessings, miracles, and yes even viruses. This is an interesting concept to think of. As we have seen with the outbreak and consequences of COVID-19, when we suppress social activity, the economy hurts. So the economy needs people and the people need the economy - it’s a symbiotic relationship to spread the wealth.
But more than wealth spreads. Greed and stinginess can also spread just like the flu or the common cold, or even COVID-19. Each spiritual illness has its rate of spreading, no different than how COVID-19 spreads with more speed than the common cold.
Now that we have suppressed social connection, on the physical level, the economy feels it. Yet, we have managed, as a collective to find ways, through technology, to stay connected on a non-physical level. We can do the same with the economy too, keeping the spirit of prosperity alive within the world.
This New Moon asks us to leave logic and reason behind and find meaning in meaningless situations. See the value of the relationships where this New Moon is occurring within your chart.
The only guarantee we have to connect to Source energy is through others. As we are forced to become intimate with the people close to us, as opposed to people-pleasing strangers on a daily basis, we see the value to seeing the meaning a person is in our life.
The progress of our life happens only through our relationship with others. This is the only promised way to grow and stay connected to God. What does this look like on a practical level? Sharing.
We share whatever we have, and there are many ways to do it: tithing, charity, donating time or money, wisdom, etc. As we share, we connect and we learn by what comes through us, which is far more powerful than the know-it-all.
Money will not solve our problems. In fact, it can make them worse unless we address our problems with a spiritual solution by getting to the root of them. When we put money and the material before our spiritual work, we basically disconnect ourselves from God by putting something in between our relationship.
The Question Of This Quest.
24 hours before and 24 hours after the New Moon is a cosmic window where subconscious content rises to the surface and asks us to deal with whatever we have suppressed so that it will not contaminate our efforts.
In DASH® Astrology, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for our quest! To access the quantum quest of Taurus, we should open ourselves to the following question:
“Where in my life do I have “other Gods” besides the one true God? How do I serve them?”
I will lead a meditation upon this in my New Moon Virtual Ritual.
For those of you working on your own, contemplate this question during the New Moon window and write down any insights that may come so that you can have a greater idea of what to work on in the Moon WorkBook.
Contemplate this question during the 48-hour New Moon window, and be open to any insights that come into your consciousness. It’s time for you to become the master of your reality and contribute positive energy to the cosmos.
As this New Moon falls within the seven-week journey to the Gates of Paradise, we are really asked to intend on finding the meaning we need to make sense of our life. A person who has meaning and is connected to a state of Taurus calm and stability will always be immune to what’s going on around him/her. It’s possible to be immune to what the news and reports and producing and be able to create our reality with wealth and health, but only once we release ourselves from the false authorities we place our faith in.
Zodiacal City.
The Moon, which represents our vessel, will be empty and ready to receive everything it needs for its 29-day journey around the zodiacal city.
As it transits through each constellation neighborhood, it collects and gathers various gifts and lessons. Yet before it departs for its journey, there is a 48-hour window of preparation where it downloads everything necessary to make its journey a successful one. This is why I offer a guided New Moon meditation when we assure that we can receive everything we can to ensure a successful journey.
If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful New Moon in Taurus, you can order the guided meditation virtual ritual.
This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download my DASH® Astrology Moon Meditation Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.
How To Work With This New Moon in Taurus:
Where does 4° Taurus fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get my moon mediation workbook and I’ll illuminate where you need to focus.
Reflect on New Moon in Taurus stuff – disconnection, prosperity, inner light.
Avoid Moon in Taurus traits like denial, tyranny, oblivion, dismissal.
Embrace Moon in Taurus traits like stability, reassurance, intuition, and soundness.
Answer the question of this quest: Where in my life do I have "other Gods" besides the one true God? How do I serve them?
Inhale, diffuse or get a massage with the Taurus Essential Oil which has been energetically charged by Arik.
Get a neck massage
Get some new clothes which represent you and not the brand.
Use snowflake obsidian.
Take supplements for the liver.
Set your intentions.
To really treat yourself, participate in my virtual ritual.
Make a donation or tithe.
I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back and support my work, it is happily and spirituality received here.
(BTW - New Moon’s are one of the most powerful time to donate or tithe as it multiplies the practice manyfold) Thank you for your donations, we always pray for those who donate to us.
The New Moon Window Opens 24 hours before and ends 24 hours after the time listed below:
UTC, Time Zone Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 02:34
Sydney, Australia Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 12:34 AEST
Los Angeles, USA Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 19:34 PDT
New York, USA Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 22:34 EDT
London, United Kingdom Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 03:34 BST
Munich, Germany Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 04:34 CEST
Moscow, Russia Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 05:34 MSK
Tel Aviv, Israel Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 05:34 IDT
Dubai, United Arab Emirates Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 06:34 GST
Tokyo, Japan Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 11:34 JST
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How To Participate:
Online : Do the virtual ritual online from your phone or computer
Get Access
Have a wonderful New Moon in Taurus and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.