Full Moon On January 28, 2021
“It’s the power of our free will that determines when we are ready to receive all that desires to come to us.”
Hi Stargazers,
When our world is in a state of chaos, it means that we have lost our connection to the spiritual laws that organize the bonds of reality. As we progress through the Aquarius Season 2021 major shifts in media and the collective are occurring at rates we’ve never seen before. As spoken about in the Aquarius Online Workshop, we have only a little bit of time before we can prepare for major astrological transits that will occur in two years from now.
We learn with Aquarius, that the wrong choice, based on the chaotic perceptions of reality, can push your wishes back ten, twenty, or even thirty years. Now, of course, things “happen when they are supposed to” but that’s really only a half-truth because we are the ones who determine when we are ready. Not the universe, not our fate, not even our destiny, it’s the power of our free will that determines when we are ready to receive all that desires to come to us.
In a world full of misleading memes, prosaic posts, ambitious articles, greedy guides, and new-age entertainment, it’s very difficult to navigate along the path of truth. The result is a society that trades self-awareness for mainstream narrative leaving most people lost or in a spiritual crisis.
A society that neglects awareness of the spiritual laws is a society plagued with chaos and darkness. Most of the time, the chaos runs deep beneath still waters, but secretly each and every one of us experiences it within our private lives. In this full moon of Aquarius, falling within the astrological sign Leo, we are given 48 hours to remove chaos and restore order into our personal world and thereby the collective world. The sunlight that the Full Moon will reflect will be one of the brightest of the year, giving us an immense power to use the Aquarian energy to advance our consciousness.
What we see in the world now, for a year now, is a reflection of ego power left unaccounted for. We each have contributed to this power and each of us can discharge it. But we have to know what we are facing, which is something I will go over in the January Full Moon Online Workshop.
Collective negativity is manifesting in our lives today at a rate unlike any other and we need to pull out of it and shift into another direction. We don’t need everyone to be on board, we only need a minimum to shift the collective attitude. This event usually goes for $40, but I have been offering it at a discounted rate of $14 since the pandemic hit.
The negative side is aware of the spiritual rules and consistently tries to blind us to them as they provide for liberation from enslavement.
What Does The Full Moon Mean?
There is a reason why many people feel out of balance during the Full Moon: It is a time of great transformative energy, and most people are not equipped to handle it. That is why I offer my Full Moon Online Workshops, so that you may safely access this power to dismantle your challenges and activate your strengths and virtues.
Although every Full Moon amplifies the power to melt down obstacles, each lunar event has a unique planetary configuration and thus unique transformative qualities.
This Full Moon is connecting us to the power of organization and purification. You can use the chakra balance and Leo Essential Oil Blend to help activate this power and release chaos and darkness.
Leo needs to express its light in order to bring change into the world. The only issue is that Leo tends to think it is the source of this light and gets a bit vainglorious, especially during Aquarius Season. With the Full Moon occurring in Leo, we will be able to bring lightwaves into our reality and understand the process of purification that we are going through is also coming from the intention of the All Good.
The Question Of This Quest.
In DASH® Astrology, the Full Moon is a time of reflection, when each of the archetypes asks us a specific question to assist us on our quest. In order to see which obstacles we need to remove, each Full Moon poses a unique question for reflection, as the Sun and Moon are in opposition - reflecting back to each other the Light of Truth. As this opposition occurs, a 48-hour space is rendered do us to operate within. This space is made of stardust atoms that interact with your being on all levels.
In this particular cycle, we can access the best of us beyond any quality of duality, by asking ourselves the following question:
How are conscious or subconscious desires determining the course of my life?
For more insight and spiritual growth join in my Full Moon Online Workshop to be guided through an obstacle removing meditation:
I will go into depth about this in my Online Workshop. For those of you working on your own, contemplate the above question during the Full Moon window and write down any insights that may come so that you can have a greater idea of what to work on. I suggest using labradorite and Leo essential oil as altar items to support this ongoing process.
Have a wonderful Full Moon of Leo and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.
There is a lot of power and light to be had with this Full Moon of Leo, depending on where it’s happening in your chart. We can control our actions so that we can manifest our destiny. If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful Full Moon of Leo, you can access the online workshop. If you want to watch the most recent Online Workshop and get an idea of what it’s like, check out the archives.
For easy participation, be sure to download the Zodiac Hacks Sun/Moon Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.
I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back and support my work, please consider a donation for this article.
What Is The Full Moon Online Workshop About?
It includes timely teaching, workshop, and guided meditation so you can:
Get in touch with your desires and become aware of what is holding you back.
Melt down obstacles that are standing in the way of your goals.
Align with the proper attitude to retain the effects of the ritual during the remainder of the lunar cycle.
Acquire the ability to protect your New Moon seeds from negativity.
In this meditation, we utilize the exact window of time when the cosmos wants to support our ability to melt down obstacles that have arisen in our lives.
Oppositions in astrology represent opponents, which we need to learn to bring into balance. It’s a time of reflection, a time when we need to bring things together into one.
Transform ANY negativity or limitation we are experiencing by melting it back down to a “quantum state” - its original concept, or what we lovingly call Stardust.
Be sure to download the Zodiac Hacks Sun/Moon Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.