January New Moon In Capricorn: Stay Tethered To The Divine.
New Moon On January 13, 2021
“We are not to renounce the material, but rather know what its place is in a successful manifestation process.”
Hi Stargazers!
The New Moon is a time when we can connect to the Divine, declare our intentions and instill optimal conditions throughout the lunar cycle. This is just one of the positive forces we have at our disposal while living on earth.
However, we need to know that there are negative forces that want to divert and detour us from our Divine connection. One of these forces is distraction, another force is materialism: essentially, giving the material priority over the spiritual.
Materialism appeals to our selfish desires and inner lack. When we succumb to materialism, we substitute our connection to the Divine with attachment to the material all while promising that materialism will supplement our disconnection from what we intuitively know to being true fulfillment…the Divine.
This New Moon in Capricorn, the first New Moon of 2021, is giving us the ability to connect to the Divine. Just as an astronaut needs to remain tethered to the space station via his space-suit as he floats through space, as we float through space we need to remain connected to the Divine station.
In this metaphor, earth would serve as our space-suite proving us with a safe and advanced way to interface with cold space, while the space station is like the Divine. If we just connect to the earth (our space-suit) without being tethered to the space station, the suit is useless and will eventually serve as our coffin. Even with all the things that our suit makes possible, we need to remember that it is just a vehicle, not the source of what it makes possible.
Actually, this image is more than a metaphor: within the vortice structures of our body, we have a root vortex at the base of our spine that connects us to earth and the material. We also have a crown vortex at the top of our skull which serves as our tether to the Divine which supplies us with life.
It is vital that we take care our crown tethered to the Divine if unconditional and endless energy is what you’re after. When we are lax and lazy with our connection to the Divine, we tend to use alternative energy sources that come with limitations, prices and conditions. These alternatives are like shooting stars that look bright, but they eventually run out of light and leave the sky as dark as they found it.
In fact, these alternative energy sources will promise you everything “for free”, which may seem like a good deal at first, but it comes at a huge price. The price is high because these alternative energy sources need to be replenished in order to stay in business.
The main goal of these alternative energy sources is to disconnect or prevent our conscious connection to the Divine and then to get us attached to some material source it rules over. The end result is less, energy, higher conditions and many hidden fees attached which leave us more tired than desperate than when we started.
This is why, for many, one success is only followed by the worry about the next one. There is no momentum or build up, there is also no certainty because when our stakes are placed in the material, we are at its mercy. We also find ourselves constantly selling out and suffering over how to do be successful again.
This New Moon will help anyone, reroute their source into the Divine so that intentions can come without the high price of what matters most. What’s more is that we have the opportunity to see why we are attracted to materialism in the first place! We can pull ourselves out of darkness and connect to the Divine for true shine.
This New Moon in Capricorn will help us connect to and tether to the Divine so that we can move through darkness with light. We are not to renounce the material, but rather know what its place is in a successful manifestation process which is what I will talk about in the New Moon in Capricorn Online Workshop.
The Question Of This Quest.
Twenty-four hours before and twenty-four hours after the New Moon is a cosmic window where subconscious content rises to the surface and asks us to deal with whatever we have suppressed so that it will not contaminate our work.
In DASH® Astrology, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for our quest! To access the quantum quest of Capricorn, we should open ourselves to the following question:
Which situations leave me feeling so helpless that I see manipulation as my only option?
Contemplate this question during the forty-eight hour New Moon window, and be open to any insights that come into your consciousness. It’s time for you to become the master of your reality and contribute positive energy to the cosmos.
Zodiacal City.
The Moon, which represents our vessel, will be empty and ready to receive everything it needs for its twenty-nine day journey around the zodiacal city.
As it transits through each constellation neighborhood, it collects and gathers various gifts and lessons. Yet before it departs for its journey, there is a 48-hour window of preparation where it downloads everything necessary to make its journey a successful one. This is why I offer a guided New Moon meditation when we assure that we can receive everything we can to ensure a successful journey.
If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful New Moon, you can sign up to the online workshop.
This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download the Zodiac Hacks® Sun Moon Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.
This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download the Zodiac Hacks® Sun Moon Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.
How To Work With This New Moon in Capricorn:
Where does this New Moon fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get my Sun and Moon Mediation Workbook and I’ll illuminate where you need to focus.
Answer the question of this quest: Which situations leave me feeling so helpless that I see manipulation as my only option?
Inhale, diffuse or get a massage with the Capricorn Essential Oil which has been energetically charged by Arik.
Use some cypress.
Wear some blue tiger eye.
Set your intentions in the Zodiac Hacks® Sun Moon Workbook
Participate in the online workshop which includes a teaching, workshop and guided meditation.
Make a donation or tithe.
I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to give back and support my work, it is happily and spiritually received here.
BTW - New Moon’s are one of the most powerful time to donate or tithe as it multiplies the practice manyfold). Thank you for your donations, we always pray for those who donate to us.
Have a wonderful New Moon in Capricorn and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.