Arik Xander

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Now What?

Hi Stargazers,

Now that the 12 Days of The Astrological New Year are over, imagine how horrible it would be to have all this amazing energy without anywhere to put it or no one to share it with?

This is a situation that too many people face: so many resources and nobody to truly share it with on a soul level because they’re afraid to lose it, or they don’t know how to, or they just don’t see the point.

Resources, which are essentially light, shouldn’t be used that way.

Happiness, wealth, health, and intelligence are only as good as they are activated, shared, used, and invested back into the world. Take commerce for example, without it, there is no “field” to manifest your dreams or wishes. We all know what that world looks like, and it’s a future we are working to prevent. We need commerce and currency in order to bring dreams and wishes into the material world.

In fact, every dream and wish travels through the upper realms before it manifests itself in our material world. Every thought/idea/wish/dream travels through each realm where it is tempered, tested, and checked in a distinct fashion. Sometimes a wish can have a lot of light at its quantum-seed level but it ends up as dull as dirt by the time it manifests, if it even does.

Why is that?

Well, some part of the manifestation process wasn’t as great as it could have been, there could be blockages in the upper worlds for example. Think of it like cosmic digestion: you eat and maybe you get constipated or have some other issues. The same applies to manifestation.

But, our goal is to have the brilliant light of an initial idea shine all the way through the realms of manifestation so that by the time it does manifest it’s radiating with life! We have to make sure our personal realms are as clear as can be.


The simple answer is that each realm rules over certain qualities that we need to be on “good terms” with. It’s a matter of clearing up that realm so that the rainbow road light can flow through.

What’s interesting now is that after the amazing quantum days of the Astrological New Year where we have all been infused with the rainbow road light and placed onto the rainbow road timeline. We can already see the effects taking place in the material and political world. The negative agendas are now uncertain that their agenda will work, but they knew it was a gamble before they started. The gamble being you and me - are we going to walk right into the trap or not. Nobody, not even the counterforce, can know due to the free will factor.

That was such a huge opportunity for us. Now with so much light, the question is: what are you going to do with it? How can we make sure that the rainbow road gets put to use? How can we keep up the momentum. I mean….why make a road if we don’t travel down it? And more, what’s the purpose of the travel?

To transport energy of course!

We can transport and invest positive energy via the rainbow road into our material world. This is such an important function of the Universe that too many of us fail to understand. We have built the pathway, and now we need to use it to, for example, transport a wish into manifestation.

This means, we need to make sure the road and stations are clear. When successfully accomplished, it’s like getting insurance for the light you’ve been invested with.

Nobody said that the road is easy, otherwise, everyone would do it. But I’ve organized a way for everyone to tap into this upcoming opportunity I’ve been hinting at. When we have an idea of what the road is like before we take the first step, we can better prepare ourselves for what could arise.

There’s no doubt about it, we all fall to the floor at some point, just like the manifesting dirt, but it’s how we pick ourselves up that defines us. Sidenote: With many people as my witness, I have actually seen poop spontaneously manifest on someone across the room from me. Even still, the dirt has light within it and when we reverse engineer the manifestation process by clearing the realms, we can even reveal the hidden light within that dirt. This means that we are given second chances to bring the dead to life, loss to gain, sadness into happiness, demons into angels, and chaos into order.

Right now, the light is gaining momentum, but we need to keep it up and the Universe has some very powerful windows coming up that shouldn’t be neglected. We can keep on transforming the 2019 chaos that has manifested into our world into order and light as we do our part.

This upcoming journey is a process that’s available to each and every person at any time, should they know how to use it. However, once a year, after the end of the 12 Days of The Astrological New Year, we are asked to remember this process in an opportunity to cleanse the seven realms of the Universe in a seven week journey.

Each week will give us the ability to cleanse a specific realm and tune into the frequency that’s being broadcasted from it. This will allow your rainbow light to flow down into the material world without obstructions. This is such a powerful cosmic spring cleaning opportunity, if we are aware of it or not.

Whether you built your rainbow road in the Astrological New Year, or want to bring life to stuck projects, by removing the blockages within each realm, one week at a time, you will be granted the ability to cleanse and cling onto the seven realms of light giving reality.

So how does this work you’re wondering? Here comes some great news….

As many of you may know, I have a healing practice where I help hundreds of people with their physical, nutritional, mental, emotional, relationship, and spiritual goals as well as a life coaching program for one-on-one transformation and life-changing gains. I also recently launched Zodiac Hacks, which is where I focus my astrological work, and will soon publish my first book later this year (I just got the draft back from my publisher on the final day of The 12 Days of Aries).

But this opportunity falls within a part of reality that deserves it’s own space, otherwise it would be too overwhelming. The opportunity is offered by no other than the intelligences of creation, we know them as the 22 archetypes from the Tarot.

Some of you know I work with the archetypes, we even have just completed a 22-week Tarot journey, which was a great success. It’s interesting because the Tarot, as taught to me by my wife, Aurelia, is the foundation of everything I work with. TBH, it is to my great sadness that we cannot teach the secrets of the Tarot in-person classes yet, but I foresee that this will render again, especially the more we clear the realms the sooner that will occur!

The only way out of this economic pandemic is through spiritual work, which for me is what the Tarot is all about - spiritual transformation.

When I first encountered the Tarot, I was impressed….and I still am. I dove deep and never came up for air. We even created our own Tarot deck which is aligned with the first Tarot teachings ever created that so many scholars and secret societies keep hidden from the public. But we think everyone should know what the Tarot is about and we do teach about the true Tarot wisdom - we call it Cosmic Pixels.

This seven week journey is based on an archetypal structure known as The Tree of Life. We will travel this tree and clear our obstacles and ensure that our rainbow light manifests into a field here on earth. I already brought some of that light here with the Cosmic Pixels site.

It was only a matter of time before I created a site for Tarot studies unlike anywhere else in the universe. In order to offer this seven week journey within the proper context, I had to offer it within the new Cosmic Pixels site which is a space dedicated to the education of Tarot origins and innovations.

This Tree of Life Journey will be offered on and each week, we will use the Tarot to connect with, visualize and meditate with the frequency that’s available to all of life everywhere beginning on April 18, 2021.

Head over to Cosmic Pixels to sign up and enjoy the new site and latest offerings. More to come….

Happy Easter,
