Arik Xander

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Striving For Unity

Like working on a beautiful puzzle — when you are bringing things together, you are essentially striving for unity — and DASH® Astrology is designed to help you do that — to find unity within.

Whatever the issue — trauma, pain, family matters, relationships, releasing energy blockages, trouble at work, and more — a healing or balancing session will open you up to a flow of healing light. And, with a chart reading — consisting of your transits, progressions, and other charts — you will see how you’re being influenced by the cosmic weather, and, by knowing what these influences are, you can overcome the obstacles and activate your gifts at the perfect time. But, of course, you have to do the work.

The stars need to be united within you — meaning, that you do not reject anything within, because whatever you reject, indicates what you aren’t taking responsibility for, and if you can’t take responsibility, you can’t change your destiny or dissolve the old wounds from your past. So, success is all up to you.

The first step to attaining unity on the outside is to become united on the inside, within yourself — to take up the task of seeing what you’re unable to let go of, and to figure out how to let go of your individual puzzle pieces, so that the pieces that make up the greater collective picture can come together.

Here is an amazing excerpt from Zodiac Hacks: Constellations

“When we think about it, union is what we strive for in this world. When we say we want to get along with our mother or father, or brother or sister, neighbor or coworker, spouse, teacher or stranger, what do we mean? We want to remove separation. In fact, it is only through union that we can access our essential self. What is implied by this is that we must incorporate everything into our being so that our ego washes out in the sea of consciousness, like a drop of water in the ocean.”

So many times, though, when a balancing session is for one person alone, they may find, upon going back into their day-to-day life — with their partner, in their family, in relationships at work — that it’s a struggle to keep it up, to take the actions necessary for following through with the benefits of their balancing, as they strive for union. For this reason, Arik offers relationship balancings — or, couples balancings — and also, relationship chart readings.

Getting a relationship chart reading is always a good idea — to gain insight and awareness into the inner workings, the strengths and weaknesses, of each other. It helps to have a look at both charts to compare past lives and reveal the things you need to work on in this life as a couple. This type of reading can be used for any two people — friends, colleagues, associates — as well as couples.

In a couples balancing session, any mismatches between people can be identified, and balanced out, so the life can flow again. It is an amazing and simple process that can remove a lot of resentment, misunderstandings, and blockages between people. It could apply to healing long term relationships — perhaps where your partner just “annoys” you, but you’ve learned to suppress your feelings and live with it. It can restore the spirit of unity, where you are able to tolerate different points of view, and are not afraid of being wrong, but rather, allow everyone to be who they are, to have the bigger picture. A relationship chart reading could also apply to a brand new relationship, to help you make a good and successful start together.

There is a package that contains relationship balancings. You may want to book this type of balancing or a chart comparison reading, or both, of these types of sessions, as sometimes it is beneficial to get a chart reading first, which allows you to work on the themes in a balancing in another session. This testimonial speaks of the restorative and stabilizing benefits —

“Thank you Arik and Aurelia for the detailed consultations. It allowed us to see clearer what the next steps were then. It also really helped me overcome my fears. Trusting our instincts is part of our daily practice now! My son is stable as we speak and I hope it will continue. Thank you for the journey of self discovery!”

Use the table of contents in your iBook or Kindle version of Zodiac Hacks: Constellations to locate these titles — The Sport of Listening, Buffing, The Return to Paradise, Honesty in Relationships, and The Bucket of Crabs — which you may find to be eye-opening, and profoundly helpful, as you work on your puzzle, bringing all the pieces together, striving for unity.