Freedom From Unconscious Bias with Astrolochi®

Using Kinesiology + Astrology For Clarity.

Within the endlessness of consciousness are many fields we can experience, each with various influences and possibilities. These influences and possibilities give rise to user subjectivity and the multitude of perspectives that accompany it. Every field retains information within itself, including the user who experiences the field and who also brings his own baggage of experiences to merge and interact with the field.

Since everything in consciousness is recorded, pre-recorded, and experienced based on user choice, information about anyone, anything or any time can be accessed within the cosmic database of information. A man-made example would be a search engine like Google that can find information about almost anything in our material world.

What is Muscle Testing?

As humans, we can access this cosmic database of information, which includes all databases, events, situations, thoughts, and emotions, in the past, present, and future through our intuition - which is unbiased and all-knowing. Fortunately, intuition displays physiological responses (e.g., pupil dilation, shifts in balance) and can be verified through muscle testing.

Through muscle testing, we can ask questions and trigger intuitive responses which display through the muscular system (i.e., body language). This is much like a computer operating within the binary process of 1’s and 0’s to determine what is displayed on a screen. As with muscle testing, this is a process many are familiar with when working within the duality of facilitated/unfacilitated - yes/no - as well as the 1’s and 0’s of the material world.

Within the wellness industry, as a practitioner, while we all consciously set aside our opinions and hang our judgments at the door (😉) when conducting consultations, there is room for operational error due to the subjectivity of unconscious bias which gives rise to expectations, judgments, and hidden agendas.

So how can we clear out unconscious bias, which is like bugs and glitches, when working in a healing or consultation?

In order to get uncensored results, much like in today’s world, we need to raise our awareness level above the field of what we tend to know and prefer. This can be quickly done by becoming aware of our conscious bias by becoming familiar with our astrological charts. In working with the astrological chart, we can become aware of our own conscious bias as well as the biases of others.

When working with the stars in an astrological chart, which is a unique mandala of cosmic archetypes at the moment a body took its first breath, we can understand the pre-dispositions we come into this life. Many of these influences may be based on trauma or unresolved issues we have to or may need to, re-experience. By understanding our starlight composition, we can take off the blinders, see what’s blocking us and get rid of it, at least temporarily, so that we can help either take off theirs.

For example: In a Zodiac Hacks Astrology Birth Chart Reading, there are twelve astrological signs which are spawned from the four primordial elements from which all the elements in our world are made: fire, air, water, and earth. Each element has its own expression throughout all of life: from the four fundamental forces to the four phases of life, or even the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Signs based in water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to have challenges with boundaries while signs based in Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are driven by security and manifestation. What's more, is that each of us has a mandala or sequence of these archetypes and elements within us as unique as a fingerprint. Each and every one of us is required to balance these elements within so that we can clear out conscious and unconscious biases.

How many times have you been wrong about a judgment you’ve made? About a person, place, or thing? Or, how aware are you of judgments that filter or block the truth? Many times, we make up our minds and close off to anything new. Masses of people even allow their minds to be made up about events, places, and people without ever really confronting or questioning them.

As healers, students and teachers, we may have seen that it's very easy to get inaccurate muscle testing responses which is why it’s often necessary to double-check results. Even with the best of intentions, there is still likely error. We have found that the higher state of awareness and the wider the consciousness a muscle tester has, the more accurate the results. When the mind is open and in control, free from unconscious bias, the muscles become a vessel and a tool for truth and discovery.

This is explained through the archetypes of the Tarot, which are images of the forces of creation. The Chariot is an archetype that rules over vessels of all kinds, from cars to the human body. The counterpart to The Chariot is The Tower, which is the archetype that rules over muscles. Like any craft, the more sober and mindful the driver is, the more graceful and accurate the experience is. Using these two archetypes, as they are positioned within your astrological chart as represented by Cancer (The Chariot) and Mars (The Tower) will give us an understanding of how we can move out of our way and become a clear channel for the Divine. Using these two archetypes, we can become aware of what’s blocking our ability to be a clear channel while muscle testing and moving throughout our world since kinesiology is about movement after all.

We simply understand the position of these archetypes within us, as we all have them, and see what’s the disposition and way to overcome them. Of course, we will need someone who has cleared their unconscious bias first to get us started.

To execute the best techniques, we need to understand where we are getting stuck in our unconscious bias so that we can achieve passionate detachment which is the ability to care without agenda. In order to attain passionate detachment, we can begin any session by muscle testing with:

  1. “I have permission to conduct this session.”

  2. “In the name of The Intention of The All Good….what I just tested is true.”

Like a computer application, we need to set up the context of “The Intention of The All Good” for the accuracy to transcend fate, hidden agendas, unconscious bias, or self-serving the ego/user.

As we have seen, a muscle test is not the local response of the muscle or even the energy pathways. While these energy systems relay information, they are not the source of energy. These systems only feed the muscles which display the response. Like the stars, the energy vortices and meridians do not source it. The muscle test is verifying the material to see what’s within consciousness. If the consciousness of the tester is limited, then the results will be too.

While it’s virtually impossible to be without unconscious bias, we can raise our awareness about freedom from it and work to permanently erase it as we become conscious about it. What does this look like? We become aware of a judgment and address it right away with any means available, such as atonement.

Meanwhile, we have the ability to temporarily step into a state of being a clear channel, out of our unconscious bias, when we are conducting any type of consultation. The alternative is extreme inaccuracy which could actually cause harm because a facilitator could have strong opinions about what a client or patient needs.

In order to be specific, we need to avoid generalities which is why working with the astrological chart can be so helpful. Within an astrological chart, we can get very specific information about previous choices that we are dealing with in the present, as well as how we can transform them. Many of us bring expertise from past lives that we are trying to remember and, studying the astrological chart can give us a head start by awakening our memories.

Clearing our unconscious bias is a lifelong process, but we can do it temporarily before going into a session, reading, or healing. If we want to get accurate results, we need to be detached, passionate, and in alignment with what is true rather than what is right or wrong, good or bad, or any other dualistic outcome.

A muscle test result should be independent of codependent programs, beliefs, and biases. However, testing results can “trigger” testers who hold strong to their agendas. True results come from the field of consciousness as evidenced by tests that can be made verbally or mentally.

With the unconscious bias cleared, the tester isn’t influenced by the question, much like Google isn’t influenced by the query and can gather data for analytics as a perk. Testing and searching are all done in consciousness and actually, the test and search have already been done in all three times (past, present, future), which points us back to the chart where we can look to the present to see where we are coming from and where we are going.

In truth, unconscious bias can disqualify a muscle test because of the judgment in mind. As a healer, if we have a bias that some food makes people gain weight, then this will be projected onto everyone else who eats that food - even unconsciously. In the same way, studies often get funded to prove a point and are rarely conducted to liberate humanity from suffering. If some organization wishes to prove a “truth” they pay for the research and cherry-pick the results to fit the agenda.

In order to achieve peace, we need to create a consensus reality of openmindedness and the possibility of being wrong. We need to face our fear of change and understand our astrological charts so that we can heal and become better healers.


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