Astrological Forecast: Dec. 6 - 12, 2020
“Everybody is just looking for happiness, the problem is how they define it.”
The Great Conjunction of 2020: Go Beyond The Horizon & Voyage Into Space
Imagine having a student-teacher conference with your favorite teacher and your most, let’s say disliked, teacher. That’s what this conjunction could be like for each and every one of us.
Astrological Forecast: Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2020
“COVID19 doesn’t mean you’re excused from inner work and self-responsibility.”
Sagittarius Season 2020: Avoid The Inauthentic Direction
“Our ambition should support our authentic wishes not define them.”
Astrological Forecast: Nov. 15-21, 2020
When we resist change, we argue with reality. When we argue with reality, we complain about what is and blindside ourselves from blessings. When we complain, we broadcast attractor fields of war.
DASH® Astrology: Nov. 8-14, 2020
Astrological transits only indicate opportunities, what we do with them is up to us.
Astrology Horoscope Nov. 1-7, 2020
Upgrade out of those old patterns, otherwise, they will exaggerate!
October 25 - 31, 2020
We as a collective are too addicted to things looking good without them actually being good. 10 Min. Read
Scorpio Season 2020: All Hell Breaks Loose
“If you didn’t think things could get worse, you’d be so wrong as we will find out in Scorpio! But a preface: the greatest light comes from the deepest dark.”
The Halloween Blue Full Moon
Just days before the election, we each will face an identity crisis before we face one as a collective.
Astrology Horoscope October 18 - 24, 2020
We need to find that part within that isn't as great as we think it is and get it to do something good.
The New Moon in Libra
Rather than placing our confidence in gurus, teachers, books, posts, articles, doctors, YouTube, people, or our peers, this New Moon grants us the power to make our own connection to the Universe so that we can grow and resolve whatever we are facing.
Weekly Horoscope October 11 - 17, 2020
Reality is a reflection of who you are, and if you want outer change, begin changing within!
The Aries Full Moon October 2020
Look at what scares you and to take your power back and use it towards what you want.