Ageless: The Dance of Risks and Delusions: A Dive into Self-awareness

Season 3: Episode 14

Join Arik and Aurelia in this enlightening episode of Ageless as they dive deep into the essence of risk-taking, dreams, and the influence of social media on our perceptions of bravery. Are we truly courageous, or merely performers? Listen now!

This is Arik and Aurelia, and we're here to talk about life and interesting things! Or so we think (as Aurelia says!)

Ageless is a lighthearted, humorous, and intense discussion on human life, spirituality, and all the confusion most people find themselves in.

In a riveting episode of what feels like a philosophical deep dive into the human psyche, the Ageless podcast hosted by Arik and Aurelia grapples with the nature of risks, desires, rejection, and our relationships with them.

At its heart, the discussion centers around the very nature of wanting something, be it as lavish as a $3,000,000 car or as intangible as personal validation. Aurelia presents a nuanced perspective suggesting that true desire, coupled with the will to overcome numerous internal barriers, can be a path to enlightenment.

The discussion takes a curious turn as it delves into the anxiety of risks. Both hosts agree that there's a profound difference between living vicariously – experiencing life through others, like a passive observer – and actually stepping up to confront one's fears, dreams, and potential rejections. 

With a nod to the age of social media, Arik addresses the delusion that many might be under: thinking they are taking risks when in reality they're merely performing acts of false bravado. They touch upon the art of Tibetan debate, pointing out the value of nonattachment and challenging one's beliefs – a practice that seems to be fading in today's echo-chamber culture.

Aurelia beautifully ties in the notion that being open to risks is akin to being honest. In a world where such honesty seems to be lacking, being truly aware of the risks we're taking – be it as grand as a life choice or as minute as a single breath – will lead to a magical existence.

In sum, this episode of Ageless offers a profound spiritual reflection on the essence of human experience. For those seeking a break from the mundane, Arik and Aurelia provide a lens that's both contemplative and challenging. The listener is left to ponder: Are we merely existing in a web of delusions or are we truly brave enough to face life's inherent risks?

Also available to listen on Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and Spotify.


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